Simplifying Beauty: Do You Really Need a Zillion Skin and Hair Products?

Simplifying Beauty: Do You Really Need a Zillion Skin and Hair Products?

Eden Croft

Here’s the thing. For women of a certain age, we have really awakened to the understanding of how valuable and precious our time here on Earth is.

We want to look our best without seeking to be younger. We want to bring our best self to the table, as we are now, without having taken 2 hours to get there. I mean, really. Who has time for such a long beauty regimen?

Instead you could be working on your legacy projects, engrossed in your career or enjoying your retirement, deepening your spiritual journey or self-development path (if you have one), maybe growing and nurturing a family, or perhaps even enjoying your grandkids.

Sure, the thought of making a DIY hair or skin mask in your blender is appealing on paper, but the thought of the time it takes to make, apply, and clean up such a mask just takes the wind out of your sails. No, thank you!  You’d much rather drink the smoothie than put it on your face.

We’ve got to try something different. We’ve got to simplify our beauty regimen. (Remember that whether your regimen has 6 steps or 2, great products still start with great ingredients.)

But before we talk about how we can do that, let’s go over what a usual beauty regimen looks like. These are the steps that are recommended regularly in skincare.

  1. Cleansing
  2. Polishing
  3. Toning
  4. Hydrating
  5. Moisturization/emollience/sealing hydration
  6. Occasional Deep Nourishment (Masking)

The truth is that yes, nothing is a cure-all by itself, but many of the steps above can be combined through clever and intentional/innovative formulation, which is always the goal at Rejalla.

So here’s how Rejalla helps you simplify your beauty regimen:

Beauty regimen that includes facial masks:

  1. Nourish
  2. Exfoliate (polish)
  3. Hydrate
  4. Moisturize

You only need 10 minutes 3 times a week. You can also choose to go longer or use it more often. We recommend you multitask while wearing your mask (because, again, we’re busy living our lives, and we love efficiency!).

Here are more ways to simplify your regimen using our products:

  • Our serums can be combined into two steps: pump both the Hydrating Facial Serum and Nourishing Facial Oil into your hands to use/apply together.
  • The CBD Rejuvenating Facial Serum is a two-in-one serum for both hydrating and moisturizing.
  • Rose Hydrosol makes a great combination facial toner and cleanser for mature skin. It also can be used to refresh your face during the day with a little spritz that also changes your energy and lightens your mood.
  • Our Moisturizing Hair Conditioner can be used as a Co-wash, Rinse-Out Conditioner, or even as a leave-in, depending on how long you leave it in your hair or how much you use.

Don’t fall for the hype. You just need real products with real ingredients. That’s it. When you know what you’re working with, you can always combine steps or use our products in innovative ways.

Now that you see how it can be done, how will you simplify your beauty routine? Leave us a comment and let us know! We’d love to hear all about it.

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