The Anti-aging and Beautifying Trifecta Your Skin Can’t Live Without

The Anti-aging and Beautifying Trifecta Your Skin Can’t Live Without

Eden Croft

There are soooooo many ingredients that can be used to create skin and hair products, right?

In fact, you may find reading product labels to be downright overwhelming. How do you know which are the main ones you can’t do without?

Well, if you are in the market for anti-aging products (and if you are 28 or older, you should be!), there are 3 main ones that will have you see an immediate visible difference with your skin. You will also see even greater benefits over time.

Here they are:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
  • Hyaluronic acid

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents or reduces damage to our skin cells caused by UV exposure. That just means it works hard to keep your skill cells healthy. It also brightens and polishes the complexion—specifically fading skin discoloration like dark spots—and promotes collagen production, which can help prevent premature skin aging.

Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) minimizes and prevents fine lines and wrinkling and takes away dullness and dark spots. It also helps renew and restore the surface of skin against moisture loss and dehydration and to reduce pores.

Hyaluronic acid traps water into the skin. There are 2 kinds, too. The low molecular weight one penetrates deep into the inner most dermal layers to hydrate skin at the very deepest layers. This is what improves your skin over time. The high molecular weight one hydrates skin at the surface. This one will give you that immediate—all day—plump, glowy, hydrated look. Both are important! Though it sounds chemical, it’s actually a natural ingredient that our bodies make inherently. It lubricates our joints too, which is why you see it in joint healing/strengthening supplements combined with elements like glucosamine.

Guess what? Our Rejalla Hydrating Serum features all 3 ingredients. We created it just for you. You don’t have to buy two or three separate products, and you don’t have to figure out if what you’re using is safe. By now we think you know we always have you in mind first. If it isn’t safe or of good quality, we don’t use it. That said, we think you’ll really love this serum. Will you give it a try?

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