How to Feel Beautiful After 40 : The importance of taking your time and being targeted and intentional about your beauty regimen

How to Feel Beautiful After 40 : The importance of taking your time and being targeted and intentional about your beauty regimen

David Green

What is it about getting older that makes us less amenable to unnecessary things?

We become more comfortable with simplicity and efficiency over people-pleasing.

But, due to societal conditioning about aging, some of us may also become more vulnerable to being oversold on skincare routines and products. Others of us rush through rather than stop to truly enjoy our beauty regimens.

At Rejalla, we really want to support you in being completely comfortable with who you already are—you who are not trying to be younger, but just want to nurture your inner and outer beauty as you are now. We also want to show you how to approach self-care as we heard Tracie Ellis Ross describe it: “[self-care is] an active way to love yourself.” Later we’ll share with you some simple ways to infuse love into your beauty regimens too. Loving yourself and enjoying yourself as you do your beauty regimen can make a difference.

About Simple and Efficient Beauty Regimens

First let’s talk about the beauty regimen itself. Just as with your hair care regimen, you really do not need a 7-step skincare regimen. (We know many YouTube video influencers say otherwise, but perhaps they aren’t as comfortable with simplicity as we are.) You can combine many steps of the regimen together to get stellar results—provided you have the right products.

For example, facial masks is one such product. That’s why they are a big focus of our facial skincare offerings. Regular masking eliminates the need for exfoliation and enhances the effectiveness of other beauty products. These masks are restorative, and to gift them to yourself only requires 10 minutes per use and a minimum of 3 weekly uses to see results!

Here's the best part about using face masks: You can do other things while the mask is on—like shower, for example, or deep condition your hair with our Rejalla Moisturizing Conditioner. Or make yourself a cup of tea or prep a healthy to-go meal for the day for yourself or your loved ones.

After rinsing off your mask, all you need to do is finish up with a hydration serum and a facial oil, (Rejalla Hydrating Serum and Rejalla Nourishing Facial Oil are great choices) or a moisturizer that combines both (Rejalla CBD Serum).

Remember that it’s critical that the products you use after rinsing off your mask (and in your beauty regimen in general, for that matter!) be botanically based and contain natural but effective ingredients. See the 3 must-have ingredients for any anti-aging regimen in our next blog post (The anti-aging and beautifying trifecta your skin can’t live without).

About Loving Yourself as You Care for Yourself

Rejalla’s founder, Betty, truly believes that the self-love and self-respect she puts into her regimen is what makes her feel her best.

As you can probably guess, her beauty regimen is simple, efficient, and an act of love to herself. She loves to use a Rose Quartz or Jade roller to massage in her Rejalla facial skincare products. It has given her a glow and a firmness that she hadn’t seen in years. When her inner circle started asking her what she’d been doing, she knew she wasn’t just imagining the results. The products do work amazingly well! (In fact, she’s even looking to source one to share with you in the Rejalla collection! We can’t wait to try it!)

Now, the outer glow is there, but the inner glow that emits that radical radiance only comes from loving yourself and respecting yourself—that’s the self-love and self-respect we mentioned earlier. That glow is purely magnetic and cannot be faked.

Simple Ways to Infuse Love into Your Regimens

  • Be intentional as you use your hands to softly massage these products into your skin. It may feel awkward if you’ve never done it before, but allowing your fingers to handle your skin as if it is a beautiful gift (and it is!) is loving.
  • Appreciate what you are doing. Point out to yourself what you love about your body, and invite in gratitude.
  • Be present during the routine too—even if you have only a few minutes, show up in that moment and choose to enjoy it. It’s stunning what a few minutes of self-care can do when you take your time and bring your full attention to it.
  • Speak kindly to your face and body—literally!
  • Love yourself enough to prioritize using simple, safe products. Choose products that combine a few steps of your regimen where it makes sense and doesn’t compromise the regimen itself. We truly understand that self-care is not an expense, but an investment. But you also don’t have to be hoodwinked into needing to practically give yourself a professional facial every morning just to feel acceptable enough to leave the house. You are already beautiful. These products are just helping your beautiful to shine through.

Here at Rejalla, we created our products with you in mind. We hope you’ll take time think about your beauty regimens. How can you change them so they really nurture yourself? How can you prioritize discovering (or rediscovering) your own natural beauty? May you learn to feel as beautiful as you already are.

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